Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Adapting To Diverse Science Culture For Development

Entering the month of September, we are celebrating the Science Club Month. Every year we are having different theme and this year's theme is "Adapting To Diverse Science Culture For Development. During this celebration, here in our school is having many activities and some of those are, poster making, slogan making, The Ginoo at Mutya ng Kalikasan 2009 and etc.

Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development. This year's theme is related to our progression. We must learn more about science because of science and technology it can be the Key of our Progress. We all know, that because of science and technology some of our works make faster and easier to do now and because of science and technology everything now can be possible. Like in our communication we can easily communicate to others who are far away from us by using cellphone.

We can help also our country be more progress by using the 3R's. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. So we must adapt by our selve's to learn and love science much more, because it can make our country more progressive.